Over the past few years, Farmanco has been involved in several projects, funded by third parties (including GRDC and MLA) and run in conjunction with our clients and grower groups. In addition to the projects themselves, we use the findings from the work as the basis for articles in Farmanco Facts and Farmanco podcasts. We are also involved in extension workshops as part of these projects, to disseminate the information into the wider community.
We continue to seek further project work and always have several proposals under consideration and go through them every month in a dedicated project committee. We would appreciate input from our clients and the wider agricultural community. Therefore, if you have suggestions or would like input into any future projects, please let us know.
When looking at potential projects, we consider:
Is the idea new or innovative?
We don’t want to rehash work that’s been done before.
Will it benefit Australian farming businesses?
We’re looking for projects that will provide a commercial benefit to Australian farm businesses.
Will it grow the knowledge base for Farmanco consultants and our clients?
We want our consultants and clients to remain at the ‘cutting edge’ of agricultural knowledge.
Some of the projects we’ve been involved in over the past 2-3 years include:
The profitable integration of cropping and livestock enterprises.
The Return on Investment (ROI) of Using Drones in broadacre farming operations
Understanding grower decision making process around increasing wheat grain protein yield to maintain profitability in the Western Region.
The validation and demonstration of decision-making tools for managing blackleg in canola in the Western Region
The ROI case of using eID tags
Researching the extent of RLN throughout the grain growing regions of WA and the options to address.
Applying Technology Solutions for Improved Frost Detection, Diagnostics and Precision Management Decisions
Development of individual farm and industry benchmarked Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions data analysis and identification of fiscally appropriate methods to minimise carbon emission.
Crop Sequencing Workshops.
Precision Agronomy workshops.
We’d love to hear from you. Contact one of our Project Committee members, details below:
Mae Connelly (Grain Marketing Consultant, WA) mae@farmanco.com.au
Stacey Bell (Project Officer, WA) stacey@farmanco.com.au
Blake O’Meagher (Precision Agronomist / Agronomist, WA) blake@farmanco.com.au
Keith Symondson (CEO) keith@farmanco.com.au
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