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Farmanco Facts - March 2023

Our Farmanco Management, Marketing and Agronomy specialists cover several topics. Contracting — An Off-Farm Opportunity; Managing the Grain Marketing Emotional Rollercoaster; Pre-Season Mouse Surveillance and Tactics and Farming Under Pressure.

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Articles this month:

Contracting — An Off-Farm Opportunity

Eric Nankivell, Farm Management Consultant

  • Contracting off-farm can be a great opportunity to grow the farm business.

  • Contractors need to know their cost components. Contract pricing is on the rise as costs rise.

  • Good contractors are like gold!

Contracting is an important part of the agribusiness landscape and an opportunity for someone who loves the challenge of operating gear. Contracting can be another way to generate income and support families on the farm.


Managing the Grain Marketing Emotional Rollercoaster

Mae Connelly (Grain Marketing Consultant)

  • Grain marketing can be emotional and the cause of regrets.

  • It will never be possible to pick the top of the market, so having realistic objectives and a plan for how to achieve them can be the key to reducing stress from grain marketing.

  • This article lists some tips to help deal with the emotions of grain marketing

It has been a very volatile couple of years in grain markets, and we could have further erratic times ahead of us. It could be useful for you to reassess your own relationship with grain prices and their impact on your emotions.


Pre-Season Mouse Surveillance and Tactics

Wayne Birch, Agronomist

  • Know your pest.

  • Know your conditions and paddocks.

  • Monitor numbers pre-season.

  • Make your decision.

Big harvests potentially mean a lot of grain on the ground, which means a lot of feed to support a large mouse population.


Farming Under Pressure

Katrina Kowald, Farm Management Consultant

  • Globalisation, social trends, new technologies and politics increase the complexity of everybody’s life.

  • Corrigan Sowman, a dairy farmer from New Zealand and Nuffield scholar, wrote an interesting article titled ‘Farming in a Pressure Cooker: How pressure impacts farmer decision making.’

  • He references research carried out with the All Blacks that helped them regain their winning ways and identified two states of mind: red head and blue head thinking.

  • Taking a blue head approach to decision making can significantly improve your ability to make the right decisions for your business.

Globalisation, politics, and social trends are having a greater impact on agriculture than ever before. For farmers, their decision making is becoming more and more complex.



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