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See below for key points to articles in the August 2022 Farmanco Facts (out now).
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In May 2022, an outbreak of FMD in cattle was reported in Indonesia and has since spread to Bali. Virus fragments on food at the airport and within imported pork products in Melbourne have raised concerns of a potential outbreak in Australia.
(Keith Symondson, CEO)
Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious animal disease
Recent outbreaks in Indonesia have spread to Bali and there is concern the disease could enter Australia
Following basic farm biosecurity measures is important to minimise the likelihood of the spread of pests and diseases between farm properties
Machine learning is starting to be used more widely by grain traders globally to convert huge amounts of data into actionable insights. We think that if traders have access to this technology, then so should Farmanco clients.
Machine learning for grain marketing – introducing Octopusbot
(Mae Connelly, Grain Marketing Consultant)
There is a huge amount of data available related to grain markets
What is difficult is converting data into useful and user-friendly information and forecasts
Global grain traders are increasingly using machine learning to assist with this.
We wanted to level the playing field and provide machine learning to Farmanco clients
To do this, we have invested in a subscription to Octopusbot. Strange name, excellent at getting its tentacles into a huge amount of data and converting that data into insightful and visual outlooks to aid with grain marketing decisions.
End point consumers no longer just focus on food miles or factory farming to determine whether the products they consume are socially responsible. Their expectations have increased in complexity.
Natural Capital
(Stacey Bell-Crookes, Farm Management Consultant)
Natural Capital can be defined broadly as the world’s collective or country’s individual natural assets and/or resources
This encompasses a wide range of services, including climate regulation and carbon sequestration
The topic is receiving global and local attention, with policy and services developing at a rapid pace
It needs to be thought of in terms of impacts and dependencies and how this affects both the environment and the business
Farmanco is committed to independent, data-led advice
A run of better seasons with improved yields, combined with no-till farming systems, stubble retention and a reduction in livestock, has created an environment where mice have become a problem
Mouse Surveillance & Spring Monitoring
(Blake O’Meagher, Agronomist & Precision Ag Specialist)
Monitor mouse activity throughout late winter/early spring
Monitor crops as they start to become susceptible to mouse feeding damage
We look at spring baiting strategies and factors to consider
Visit Farmanco and Aglytica at the upcoming Dowerin and Newdegate machinery field days.

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