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Farmanco Facts - August 2021

Note that Farmanco will be at both the Dowerin and Newdegate Machinery Field Days again this year. At the Dowerin GWN7 Machinery Field Days, we will do something a little different. Rather than a big marquee, we will have four smaller stands in the Lifestyle Pavilion, each focused on a particular service or product and staffed by consultants who know the service or product inside out. The four stands are:

Keith Symondson introduced the August edition with an essay on Optimism Bias. Here is an excerpt:

… We are notoriously optimistic about future outcomes, and optimism bias is where people typically discount the odds against them and overweight the odds for them. This means that people tend to take on more risk than the facts or circumstances suggest is best ….
… One of the most important aspects of running any business is to understand risk, especially in relation to future planning and achieving the results you expect ….

Key Points:

This edition sees Alice Butler present a case study of Matt and Ange Hill – and their process when creating variable rate nitrogen maps.

Matt & Ange Hill – their process when creating variable rate nitrogen maps

(Alice Butler – Precision Ag Consultant)

  • Matt and Ange Hill use variable rate to apply nitrogen to generate the best returns, maximising profitability of this major input on their farm.

  • They have been using variable rate since the early 2000s and the process has evolved along the way. Today, they use the radiometric potassium layer from their EM and Gamma survey, yield maps, soil test results, and protein maps to direct where they apply nitrogen.

  • Different data layers are used to apply variable rate nitrogen at seeding compared to top-up nitrogen time.

  • Their aim is for the crop to reach yield potential, which they determine is between 10.5% and 11% protein

Keith Symondson continues his series on Robots in Ag – concentrating on drones.

Robots in Ag (Part 3): Drones

(Keith Symondson, CEO)

  • Unlike many of the other robots being developed for agriculture, drones have moved into the mainstream. This means they are covered by some legal requirements

  • Drones have many and growing uses in ag. Up to now, these have been mainly passive (scouting, etc.). The next generation will start to focus on more active tasks and could start delivering seeding, fertilisation and spraying solutions that could eventually replace largescale machinery.

  • Swarm technologies, autonomous flying, quick-change battery, and automated refilling technologies will soon become mainstream and have the power to transform farming.

Having enjoyed reading Wayne Birch's article in July on Stagflation, Mike was inspired to continue the ag economics theme.

Where economics meet science

(Mike Monaghan, Management Consultant)

  • Farm management advice is often a combination of economics and science.

  • Farmanco tools merge the science within the paddock and assess the margin, viability, and outcomes.

  • Commitment to quality and long-term data recording is important.

  • Completing your budget update in the coming weeks will give you better focus leading into harvest.

And from Adrian, on behalf of the Grain Marketing Team.

Fundamentals change for Wheat

(Adrian Clancy, Grain Marketing Consultant)

  • Sustained record heat and dry impacts US Northern Plains wheat and Canadian canola.

  • Russian crop forecasters have reduced wheat yield potential as 25% of wheat is now in the bin.

  • Tightening American corn supply underpins wheat demand going forward.

Each year, the Farmanco agronomy team work to produce the Pesticide Handbook (Pestbook™). The Pestbook™ is regarded as the best independent guide to weed, insect and disease control in Australia.

The Pestbook™ has different versions that give recommendations for pest control in major crops across four states: Western Australia, South Australia, New South Wales, and Victoria. The recommendations in the book are based on years of original research by our team of independent agronomists, as well as client experience of what actually works.

Visit our dedicated iPestbook website for information on this innovative App.

Subscribe to any Farmanco products via our online shop. Farmanco Facts is available via our App, free in the Apple and Play stores.


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