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Farmanco Facts - April 2024

Farmanco Management Consultants have reached the end of their post-harvest farm business review run. Phew, that’s a mouthful.

Our focus now is on data checking for the annual Profit Series Benchmarking Report, publishing date approximately July 2024. Visit if you’re interested in contributing data and benchmarking yourself against other Australian Farm Businesses.

Contact your nearest Farmanco Consultant if you’re looking to engage a professional adviser for your business.


The April 2024 edition of Farmanco Facts has been emailed to clients, and printed copies will be in the mail.


Contributors this month are Mae Connelly (she makes sense of Grain Marketing); Alice Butler (Precision Ag), Ben Curtis and Eric Nankivell (Management Consultants).


The Farmanco Facts App (iOS devices) provides up to the minute Ag Business information in research, technology and ideas in Ag and you can search  over 10 years of articles , with additional content in Video and Audio format.


Subscribe to emailed or printed Farmanco Facts, though our website store or by calling our Perth office (08) 9295 0940 or emailing


Recent Changes in Malt Barley Accreditation

Mae Connelly (Grain Marketing Consultant)

  • Grains Australia announced updates on malt barley accreditation decisions.

  • Imi-varieties are dominating production.

  • See options in non-imi segment.

  • View the current list of accredited and preferred malt varieties.

Grains Australia announced significant updates regarding malt barley accreditation decisions, shedding light on the future of various barley varieties in WA.


Simulating Efficiency of Section Control for Different Size Seeding Bars

Alice Butler (Precision Ag Consultant)

  • Higher input costs in the high rainfall region will generate a quicker timeframe to payback on section control.

  • Larger seeding machines produce greater overlap, especially in complex paddocks.

  • There was a 31% efficiency gain going from 12m to 18m seeding width, and a 23% efficiency gain going from 18m to 24m.


After speaking to growers, some of whom have been CTF for over 10 years, the idea of changing runlines is not appealing. However, the idea of transitioning from runlines to routes or paths is


Navigating Wheat and Barley Price Fluctuations in WA

Mae Connelly (Grain Marketing Consultant)

  • See current wheat and barley decile prices compared to 2019.

  • In 2019, the median (decile 5) price for APW1 Kwinana was $286/t. Today it is $371/t.

  • In 2019, the median (decile 5) price for feed barley Kwinana was $250/t FIS. Today, it is $287/t.

  • New season wheat prices are below the long-term median.

Understanding market trends is a key part of grain marketing. Over the past five years, wheat and barley cash prices in WA have seen significant changes, trading ranges and volatility.


How Much can I Afford to Pay for Machinery?

Ben Curtis (Farm Management Consultant)

  • Machinery expenses are rising, which is putting pressure on farm businesses.

  • Understanding your own cost structures will help with your machinery investment choices.

  • All farm businesses are different, which means standard ratios do not always fit everyone  

Costs should not be considered in isolation; putting them into context with the overall business is the best way to approach this.



Navigating Sheep?

Eric Nankivell (Farm Management Consultant)

  • The sudden change in livestock fortunes is like a black swan event.

  • A black swan event is when a sudden and unforeseen major change occurs that requires an industry or process to readjust, mostly to survive.

  • There are many learnings that come out of these events because the sudden disruption can result in winners and losers and lead to adaption and stabilisation.

  • Unfortunately, black swan event learnings are often only learned the hard way as these events are, by definition, unlikely to be anticipated.

A sudden and marked fall in sheep values has occurred across Australia. While there is recovery in eastern Australia, markets have not recovered yet in WA.


Farmanco Facts App for iOS devices.



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